Fashion Fades

‘Fashion fades; only style remains’
So said Coco Chanel – and never more true than when it comes to choosing tiles. Just like miniskirts, leggings or padded shoulders, some fashions don’t suit everyone and what’s more, unless they have style, they date. Which is absolutely the worst thing to happen to tiles stuck fast to the wall.
Back in the days we didn’t have a lot of choice in colour, sizes or designs. Then along came those recessionary times which wrapped us all in a sea of beige wherever we looked.
Now, technology, fashion and trends are accelerating. There’s colour, texture and excitement in the huge variety of tiles on the market! There’s lots more opportunity to express our own ideas, just like all those interior designers on TV.
And there’s the problem.
With too much choice and too much fashion or trend, we could be forgiven for quailing at the thought of making a decision. But let’s ask ourselves what we would still be pleased to see on our walls or floors in a few years’ time?
We, our houses and our families all have a personal style, and whether it’s beige, white, grey, all black, glorious colour, funky, shimmering iridescent, it’s all out there waiting for you. Style is YOU – go for it!
Visit the Cornwall Tile Centre and find your ’tile style’.