Tips for Selling your Home

So, you’re looking to put your home on the market, and want to make sure it happens quickly and smoothly. Now is the time to prepare your home so it is as appealing as possible to potential buyers.
A great basis to work with is necessary for those beautiful photos and film to draw a potential buyer in, as well as a nice environment when they come to view in person. There’s no need to do anything drastic like redecorate the whole house, buy different furniture or get rid of anything meaningful to you – just a few quick and easy things will instantly make your home more appealing to a potential buyer coming to view.
Showcase the Space
Here’s the secret: all you need to do is ensure they can picture themselves living there. Try and de-clutter and make it as spacious as possible so they can envisage the space. It’s important to remember that most people coming to view will have the ability to see past decoration that’s not to their taste if they see the potential in the space it’s in.
Tip 1
Rearrange furniture if necessary to make it as open and spacious as possible. Tall bookcase right by the window? Consider moving it to let in as much light as possible. Move sofas back against the wall to open it up – every little helps!
Tip 2
Clear away any clutter. Keep it as clean and tidy as you can – for example, consider putting any little items like figurines and candles on the mantelpiece in a box. You should also hide away any cleaning products from view. Use this as your opportunity to start packing!
Tip 3
If it’s a relatively small room, this is your opportunity to showcase what could be done with the space. A quirky study, hideaway reading space, or a creative storage area are just a few ideas for you to think about. Make sure every room has a function?
Tip 4
Think ahead, and try to detach yourself as much as you can. This won’t be your home for much longer. It can be difficult to think this way, but it will also help you get into a productive and objective head space; adjust to the reality that is moving and all the emotion that can come with that.
This blog was provided by View it, Love it, Live it